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About Roq.ad
Roq.ad in a Nutshell
Identify and reach people across all of their digital devices. Roq.ad’s cutting-edge, proprietary Cross-Device technology – compliant with strict European consumer privacy laws – matches devices to people and people to households. A revolutionary approach to smarter user analytics and advertising to optimize marketing spend and user journeys across all digital channels and devices.
Country Coverage
Data Offering
Featured in
Use Cases
(i) Remarketing
(ii) Audience Amplification
(iii) Customer Journey Analysis
(iv) Marketing Attribution
(v) Reporting & Insights
(vi) Storytelling
(vii) CRM Nuturing
Certifications & Associations

Data Sources & Collection
Publishers & Advertisers
Key Differentiators
USP: European privacy compliance. Roq.ad is operating on 100% consented user data.
Data Privacy
Consent collection via iab TCF
100 % Opt-in data
ePrivacy external certification
BVDW partner
iab partner

Frequently asked questions about Roq.ad
What does Roq.ad do?
Identify and reach people across all of their digital devices. Roq.ad’s cutting-edge, proprietary Cross-Device technology – compliant with strict European consumer privacy laws – matches devices to people and people to households. A revolutionary approach to smarter user analytics and advertising to optimize marketing spend and user journeys across all digital channels and devices.
How much does Roq.ad cost?
The supported pricing models for Roq.ad’s data are available by getting in contact with them via Datarade. Get talking to a member of the Roq.ad team to receive custom pricing options, information about data subscription fees, and quotes for Roq.ad’s data offering tailored to your use case.
What kind of data does Roq.ad have?
Identity Graph Data, Consumer Behavior Data, and Identity Data
How does Roq.ad collect data?
Publishers & Advertisers
What’s Roq.ad’s data privacy policy?
Consent collection via iab TCF 100 % Opt-in data ePrivacy external certification BVDW partner iab partner
What are the best use cases for Roq.ad’s data?
Cross-Device: (i) Remarketing (ii) Audience Amplification (iii) Customer Journey Analysis (iv) Marketing Attribution (v) Reporting & Insights (vi) Storytelling (vii) CRM Nuturing
What platforms is Roq.ad integrated with?
The Trade Desk, AppNexus Data Marketplace, Active Agent, Adobe Audience Manager, The ADEX DMP, ADITION technologies AG, Google Marketing Platform, and Flashtalking