Best Climate Datasets for Comprehensive Analysis
Climate datasets refer to collections of structured and organized information that provide comprehensive insights into various aspects of the Earth’s climate system. These datasets encompass a wide range of variables, including temperature, precipitation, wind patterns, atmospheric composition, and more. They are derived from a combination of satellite observations, ground-based measurements, and climate models, enabling researchers, businesses, and policymakers to analyze historical climate patterns, monitor current conditions, and make informed predictions about future climate trends. Climate datasets play a crucial role in understanding climate change, assessing its impacts, and developing strategies to mitigate its effects.
Recommended Climate Datasets
City Climate Data | Satellite Data: Urban Planning Data | Heatwaves, Building Construction, Temperature, Heat Islands,
Town/ City Seasonal Climate Forecasts, Re-Climate® API data | Solar Data | Solar Radiation | Historical Climate Data | Temperature Data | Weather Data
CustomWeather API | Historical Weather Data | Climate Data | Hourly And Daily | 8,500 Global Weather Stations | Archived Back To The 1940s
Biodiversity Proximity Risk Data | Climate Risk Data | 14k+ companies | IBAT Partnership
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Worldwide Daily Historical Weather Data | Climate Data | Human Checked Weather Data starting in the mid 1900s
DataSpark | GHG Carbon Emissions of Global Corporations | Climate Dataset Global Coverage
GapMaps Environmental Risk Data by AGS | USA | Census Block Level
Risk Alignment for 30,000+ companies (API) – Carbon, Transition, Physical, Stranded Asset & Paris Climate Agreement at 1.5, 2, 3, 4°C
Long-range forecasts created by the best science available: World Climate Service
What are climate datasets?
Climate datasets refer to collections of structured and organized information that provide comprehensive insights into various aspects of the Earth’s climate system.
What variables do climate datasets include?
Climate datasets encompass a wide range of variables, including temperature, precipitation, wind patterns, atmospheric composition, and more.
How are climate datasets derived?
Climate datasets are derived from a combination of satellite observations, ground-based measurements, and climate models.
What is the purpose of climate datasets?
The purpose of climate datasets is to enable researchers, businesses, and policymakers to analyze historical climate patterns, monitor current conditions, and make informed predictions about future climate trends.
What role do climate datasets play in understanding climate change?
Climate datasets play a crucial role in understanding climate change, assessing its impacts, and developing strategies to mitigate its effects.
Who uses climate datasets?
Climate datasets are used by researchers, scientists, policymakers, businesses, and organizations involved in climate studies, environmental monitoring, and climate change mitigation and adaptation efforts.