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3.89K records
100% Phone Verified
USA covered
Phone verified contact data for 7,700 U.S. city, county, and town Head of Economic Development Executives. Includes phone #s, email IDs, and mailing addresse...
173M business count
100% accuracy
249 countries covered
DataForSEO Google My Business Databases contains data on local establishments segmented by their Google Maps locations and aggregated business categories.
148M Unique Contact Records
99% Current Job Title Fill Rate
USA covered
Our data is multi-sourced, standardized, de-duped, verified and curated...Resulting in over 18.5MM Small Business contacts and related companies. SMB contact...
3.13M ADC Universe Count
Canada covered
Accutrend connects you with Canadian Business Owners with its Canadian Business Data. Whether you are already working in the Canadian market, or are interest...
10K rows
98% verified
Nigeria covered
C Insights Africa's company data contains the address, description and contact details over over 10,000 large, medium-sized and small companies in Nigeria.
249 countries covered
A SIC code is the standard classification for all companies worldwide. Scale your business worldwide with data from all 300 million companies classified by o...
Based in USA
Accutrend Data Corporation provides insights into the ever-changing world of business information.
Hundreds of fields of information are available to provi...
Based in USA
Cryptoquote platform aggregates and processes real-time streaming L1/L2 price data and applies advanced analytics calculation engine to our database in order...
Cryptocurrency pairs
Historical Database
Level 1 & 2
Based in Germany
With our BI software, we help the automotive industry to better understand the market situation. We continuously measure new car registrations and changes of...
Ø PC Registrations DE / Day
Ø Interviews / Month
Ø Country Coverage
Traject Data
Based in USA
A leading data provider with 10 APIs across search and eCommerce sites, Traject Data provides reliable, robust, real-time data that integrates with your exis...
Salutary Data
Based in USA
Salutary Data is a leading provider of high-quality U.S. contact and company information, specializing in data enrichment and customized data feeds. Their da...
Unique Contact Profiles
Validated Work Emails
Validated Mobile Phones
Based in Netherlands
Tap into the company database that sets the standard in scale and accuracy. Our massive B2B database covers all active companies worldwide. Curated from thou...
Data you can trust
companies worldwide
happy customers