Best Data for Crop Monitoring
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Recommended Data for Crop Monitoring
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USA covered
34 years of historical data
Historical Forecast Data to enable quantifiable performance and algorithm development.
249 countries covered
Global Satellite Imagery updated every hour for the entire globe. Global mosaic. This satellite data is transferred via xml, maps, or shapefiles. The resolut...
2 countries covered
FarmersEdge has one of the continents' largest networks of installed and managed weather stations.
Based in USA
Weather driven, machine learning based crop yield/production forecast system including crop weather risk analysis and forecasts.
Based in USA
We provide industry-leading weather solutions to a wide range of industries that value quality, customer service, and data accuracy. As a leader in technolog...
of Industry Leadership
Based in Canada
We collect data from four primary sources: weather stations, satellite imagery, soil testing and machine telematics.
Weather stations
Data points