Best Data for Revenue Forecasting

Revenue forecasting is the process of estimating a company’s incoming cashflow from their main operations over a fixed period in time. Investors use often data-driven models of the company’s revenue performance to crate forecasts that help make educated investment decisions.
Our Data Partners
85% Model Accuracy
48 countries covered
5 months of historical data
Our location data and store location data help you identify the best areas for the location of new points of sale. This dataset is based on measuring the inf...
2.1B records
100% Legal Customs Data
18 countries covered
ImportGenius provides transport and logistics shipment records for imports and exports that pass through every port in the United States, Russia, India, and ...
5 countries covered
With this dataset you can use demand forecast indices for the influence of the current weather and generally for 32 industries and product types. Using this ...
1.5K stocks
USA covered
10 years of historical data
Estimize is a platform for crowdsourced EPS and revenue estimates on thousands of U.S. equities. The crowd's estimates are both more accurate and more repre...
1.11Q (1) Number of paying clients (2) Domain registration activity (3) Associated Email services.
214 countries covered
1 years of historical data
Customer adoption/use data that details: |(1) Number of paying clients (2) Domain registration activity (3) Associated Email services.
4K stocks
USA covered
18 years of historical data
No surprises next quarter. Stay ahead of the consensus. ExtractAlpha's TrueBeats provide accurate predictions of upcoming quarterly and annual earnings pe...
Based in Hong Kong
ExtractAlpha is an independent research firm dedicated to providing unique, actionable alpha signals to institutional investors. We apply our extensive expe... - Predik Data-driven profile banner
Predik Data-driven
Based in USA
Predik Data-driven
We are experts in the collection, extraction, management and analysis of large volumes of all types of data, from alternative and complex sources to traditio...
Updated & consistent
Latam, US, Asia Markets
Strict & precise controls - Reality Research profile banner
Reality Research
Based in USA
Reality Research
Shrewd portfolio managers are leveraging real-time data to better understand their real estate holdings and produce superior returns. At Reality Research, we...
10+ years
Market Outperformance
5x More
Underlying geolocation data
2 million
Manually geofenced locations - Mobilesquared profile banner
Based in United Kingdom
Mobilesquared is recognised as the #1 global authority on business messaging. We deliver precise market intelligence that enables our customers to realise th...
ready data
by our customers
analyst views - DecaData profile banner
Based in USA
DecaData is uniquely positioned to provide a granular view into key changes in consumer behavior across an expanding universe of sectors. We currently have a...
Greene Alpha Data
Based in USA
Greene Alpha Data
Greene Alpha Data is a data provider offering B2B Leads Data, B2B Contact Data, Alternative Credit Data, Small Business Contact Data, and Company Funding Dat...