Best Data for Transaction Data Enrichment
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Recommended Data for Transaction Data Enrichment
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155M Properties Profiled
100% Fill Rate
USA covered
BatchService's Deed Dataset offers comprehensive real estate transaction data, including property transaction data with over 15 data points. This dataset pro...
500M Records
99% Coverage
USA covered
Sourced from recorder offices, deed and mortgage data provides a one-of-a-kind view of real estate transactions across the United States.
110M Residential Properties
100% Fill Rate
USA covered
Access mortgage and open liens data with 65+ datasets and coverage of 127M+ properties (98% of the U.S.). Get detailed insights into financing, loan details,...
1M records
90% match rate
Italy covered
Unlock comprehensive real estate market data from Italy with Insights' Market Observatory. Access detailed documentation of real transactions,...
200M records
99% match rate
USA covered
Unique US gift card data. Hundreds of millions of annual transactions total billions of dollar in annual transactions. Granular to location level.
157M Records
99% Coverage
USA covered
Gain an in-depth view of property characteristics for more than 157 million properties across the United States (also available at the state- and county-level). Insights
Based in Italy Insights is a proptech dedicated to the analysis and processing of Italian and foreign real estate market data. We offer highly detailed real ...
Demand data
Real Transactions
Energy Datapoints
Based in USA
Deepen the insights your platform or application offers by harnessing unparalleled property data and accurate owner contact information from a single API.
Right Party Contact Rate
Data Points
Efficiency Improvement
Lepton Software
Based in India
Access industry-specific community indicators, demographic, administrative, socio-economic, mobility, and affluence data to power your analytics
Countries (Data creation)
Satellite Images processed
POI Locations
The Warren Group
Based in USA
The Warren Group is the leading national provider of Real Estate Data including Mortgage Data, Loan Originator Data, Sales Data, Property Data & more.
Year Founded
Property & Mortgage Records
90 West Data
Based in USA
Unique US consumer transaction data. Insights from millions of daily transactions.
Client focused
Clean, Complete, Transparent
Research Ready
Based in Romania
Soleadify is a modern data technology company. Every week, we use AI and NLP to capture and refresh web and social media content on over 70 million active S...
Company Profiles
Data Attributes