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19 Results

Grepsr| Mobile Native App Scraping | App store, Google Play store | iOS, Android | Global Coverage

by Grepsr
With our decade of experience in web scraping, we have developed a proprietary methodology for mobile app ... With the combined effort of a well-equipped data acquisition team and an easy-to-use data platform, we
Available for 249 countries
100% Coverage
Available Pricing:
One-off purchase
Monthly License
Yearly License
10% Datarade discount

Mobile App Data, TV App Data, App Data, Google & Apple App store Data - Scrape all Publicly Available Mobile & TV related Data with 100% Accuracy

App Data, TV App Data, Mobile Attribution Data, App Usage Data, App Install Data, App Revenue Data, ... Access comprehensive Mobile App Data and TV App Data with APISCRAPY.
Available for 61 countries
10M Mobile App data
10 years of historical data
100% Data Delivery On Time
Starts at
$25 / month
Free sample preview

Google Play Store Apps / Games Data, Android Apps Data, Consumer Review Data, Top Charts | Real-Time API

Use the OpenWeb Ninja Google Play App Store Data API to access comprehensive data on Google Play Store ... The App Store Data dataset includes all key app details: App Name, Description, Rating, Photos, Downloads
Available for 250 countries
40 App Data Points +
100% Data Freshness
Starts at
$25$21.25 / year
Free sample preview
15% Datarade discount
30% revenue share

Redmob: Mobile App data I Global I Real-Time

by Redmob
Unleash the power of mobile app data with our comprehensive solution. ... Optimize engagement, targeting, and monetization strategies with our real-time app data feed.
Available for 40 countries
180B real-time data feeds
0 days of historical data
100% real-time
Starts at
$50,000 / year
Free sample preview

Location Data | Pharmacies & Drug Store Locations in US and Canada | Polygon Data | Comprehensive Mapping

by Xtract
-Pinpoint the ideal location for your next store or business expansion. ... -Beyond visual data, our expert GIS data engineers integrate venue layout/elevation plans sourced from
Available for 2 countries
43.8K Records
12 months of historical data
95% Coverage
Starts at
$8,988.38 / purchase
Free sample preview

Location & Territory Data |Geospatial, Sentiment (Reviews), Footfall, Business Listings & Store Location | 200 Million+ POI Data Mapped

This product integrates Geospatial, Sentiment (from Reviews), Footfall, Business Listings, and Store ... Unleash the full potential of Location & Territory Data with our POI Data.
Available for 182 countries
251 Point of interest
4 years of historical data
80% match rate
Starts at
€9 / month
Free sample preview

Grepsr | Apple AppStore & Google PlayStore Datasets: Price, App Category, App Description, Reviews, Ratings | Global Coverage

by Grepsr
Our Apple App Store and Google Play Store datasets are valuable resources for competitive analysis, market ... Store and Google Play Store.
Available for 249 countries
50 + thousand records
99% match rate
Available Pricing:
One-off purchase
Monthly License
Yearly License
Free sample preview
10% Datarade discount

Apple Appstore & Google Play Store data

Detailed mobile application data. ... This dataset includes all the fields available in the play store such as: Name, description, rating
Available for 249 countries
100M reviews
3 months of historical data
Starts at
$200 / year
Free sample preview
revenue share

Locationscloud - First Party Mobile App Data, Direct SDK, Global Data Coverage, Million Unique Devices

Get monthly access to the complete app graph Mobile App Data, Direct SDK, Global Data Coverage, Million ... data.
Available for 249 countries
Pricing available upon request

Polygon Data | Automotive & Repair Shop Locations in US and Canada | Accurate Store Location Mapping

by Xtract
Comprehensive store polygon dataset for the automotive industry in the US and Canada. ... -Pinpoint the ideal location for your next store or business expansion.
Available for 2 countries
16.4K Polygon Records
12 months of historical data
95% Match Rate
Starts at
$3,477.32 / purchase
Free sample preview

Monetize data on Datarade Marketplace

List your data on our global B2B marketplace to reach 100k monthly buyers

More App Store Data Products

Discover related app store data products.
16.4K Polygon Records
95% Match Rate
2 countries covered
Comprehensive store polygon dataset for the automotive industry in the US and Canada. Covers parts stores, used car dealers, repair shops, and more. Custom-d...
320 Billion Pieces of Online Content Analyzed Each Day
80% match rate
249 countries covered
Our unparalleled combination of points-of-interest (POI) data enriched with Sentiment and Foot Traffic Data KPIs will empower your decision making. We provid...
180B real-time data feeds
100% real-time
40 countries covered
Gain insights into domain names with our comprehensive dataset. Analyze ownership, registration history, and DNS records for strategic decision-making.
43.8K Records
95% Coverage
2 countries covered
Detailed property polygon data for all pharmacies and drug stores in the US and Canada. Includes custom-drawn polygons for each location, enabling precise sp...
180B real-time data feeds
100% real-time
40 countries covered
Unlock insights into user behavior and demographics within mobile apps. Optimize engagement, targeting, and monetization strategies with our real-time app da...
100M reviews
249 countries covered
3 months of historical data
Detailed mobile application data. This dataset contains what is publicly available on the various app stores but not usage information.
320 Billion Pieces of Online Content Analyzed Each Day
80% match rate
249 countries covered
Our unparalleled combination of points-of-interest (POI) data enriched with Sentiment and Foot Traffic Data KPIs will empower your decision making. We provid...
251 Point of interest
80% match rate
182 countries covered
Unleash the full potential of Location & Territory Data with our POI Data. This product integrates Geospatial, Sentiment (from Reviews), Footfall, Business L...
18M Apps
240 countries covered
9 years of historical data
Hundreds of the top mobile technology and services vendors have used MixRank to grow sales, react to competitors, plan market strategies, and retain customer...
320 Billion Pieces of Online Content Analyzed Each Day
80% match rate
249 countries covered
Our unparalleled combination of points-of-interest (POI) data enriched with Sentiment and Footfall KPIs will empower you to take action with confidence and a...
300M records
2 countries covered
Datonics Demo, B2B, Past Purchase, POI: An online data pioneer, Datonics has been a leader in providing data to ad networks and DSPs since the birth of the p...
4.2K Records
3 countries covered
Get The Complete And Updated List Of All Apparel & Accessories Stores With Dataset For Instant Download.
40 App Data Points +
100% Data Freshness
250 countries covered
The OpenWeb Ninja Google Play App Store Data API provides fast and reliable real-time API access to extensive information about Android Apps, Games, and Cons...
180B real-time data feeds
100% real-time
40 countries covered
Gain insights into domain names with our comprehensive dataset. Analyze ownership, registration history, and DNS records for strategic decision-making.
180B real-time data feeds
100% real-time
40 countries covered
Unlock insights into user behavior and demographics within mobile apps. Optimize engagement, targeting, and monetization strategies with our real-time app da...
10M Mobile App data
100% Data Delivery On Time
61 countries covered
Access comprehensive Mobile App Data and TV App Data with APISCRAPY. Our cutting-edge scraping technology ensures 100% accuracy, gathering all publicly avail...
320 Billion Pieces of Online Content Analyzed Each Day
80% match rate
249 countries covered
Reach out to the experts for Store Location Data, Places Data, and Company Registry Data! Unlock unparalleled insights with our B2B Marketing Data. Explore A...
100% Coverage
249 countries covered
Mobile native apps are difficult to scrape using traditional methods. With our decade of experience in web scraping, we have developed a proprietary methodol...