Company Data | Companies in the United Kingdom | Firmographics Data | B2B Data | Company Information Dataset
# | company_name |
hq_country |
company_emails |
last_funding_round_name |
is_public |
active_job_postings_count |
employees_count_change_monthly_percentage |
employees_count_director |
technologies_used |
total_website_visits_monthly |
1 | xxxxxxxxxx | Xxxxxxxxx | xxxxxx | xxxxxxxxxx | Xxxxx | Xxxxxx | Xxxxxxxxxx | Xxxxxx | Xxxxxxxxx | Xxxxxxxxxx |
2 | xxxxxxxxx | Xxxxxxxxx | xxxxxxxxx | Xxxxxxx | xxxxxx | Xxxxx | xxxxxxxxxx | xxxxxx | Xxxxxxxxxx | xxxxxx |
3 | Xxxxx | Xxxxxx | xxxxx | xxxxxxxx | xxxxxxx | Xxxxx | Xxxxxxxx | xxxxxxxxxx | xxxxxx | Xxxxxxxxx |
4 | xxxxxx | Xxxxxxxxx | Xxxxxxxxx | xxxxxxxxxx | Xxxxxx | Xxxxx | xxxxxx | xxxxxxx | xxxxxxx | Xxxxx |
5 | xxxxxx | Xxxxxxxxxx | xxxxxxxx | xxxxxx | Xxxxx | Xxxxxxx | xxxxxx | Xxxxxxxx | Xxxxxxx | Xxxxx |
6 | xxxxxx | xxxxxxxxxx | Xxxxx | xxxxxxxxxx | xxxxxxxxx | Xxxxxxx | xxxxxxxx | xxxxxxxx | Xxxxxxxxxx | Xxxxxxxx |
7 | Xxxxxxxx | xxxxxxxxx | Xxxxxxxxxx | Xxxxxx | Xxxxxxxxx | xxxxx | xxxxxxx | xxxxxxxxx | Xxxxxx | Xxxxxxx |
8 | Xxxxxxxxx | xxxxxxxxx | xxxxxxxxx | Xxxxx | xxxxxxxx | Xxxxxxx | xxxxxxxxx | Xxxxxxx | xxxxx | Xxxxxxx |
9 | xxxxxxx | Xxxxx | xxxxxxxxxx | Xxxxxxx | Xxxxx | xxxxxxxxxx | Xxxxxx | xxxxxx | Xxxxxxxxx | xxxxx |
10 | Xxxxxxxxxx | xxxxxx | xxxxx | xxxxxxxx | Xxxxxx | Xxxxxxxxxx | xxxxxxxxx | Xxxxxxxxxx | xxxxxxxx | xxxxx |
... | Xxxxxx | xxxxxxxxxx | xxxxxxxxx | xxxxx | xxxxx | xxxxxxxx | xxxxxx | Xxxxxxxxxx | xxxxxxxxxx | Xxxxx |
Data Dictionary
Attribute | Type | Example | Mapping |
String | IT Company | |
String | United Kingdom | |
String | | |
String | Venture Round - Example Company | |
String | 1 | |
Integer | 5 | |
Integer | -7.42 | |
Integer | 10 | |
String | "aws fargate", "salesloft", "hunter, "rds", "elasticsearch" | |
Integer | 72600 |
Country Coverage
35 million | records |
Suitable Company Sizes
Use Cases
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Frequently asked questions
What is Company Data Companies in the United Kingdom Firmographics Data B2B Data Company Information Dataset?
Comprehensive data on companies based in the United Kingdom. Discover and analyze businesses in the United Kingdom from any industry with all the necessary information. This multi-source United Kingdom companies dataset contains enriched company data, 300+ data points.
What is Company Data Companies in the United Kingdom Firmographics Data B2B Data Company Information Dataset used for?
This product has 5 key use cases. Coresignal recommends using the data for Lead Generation, Investing, Market Research, Venture Capital (VC), and Company Risk Analysis. Global businesses and organizations buy B2B Leads Data from Coresignal to fuel their analytics and enrichment.
Who can use Company Data Companies in the United Kingdom Firmographics Data B2B Data Company Information Dataset?
This product is best suited if you’re a Small Business, Medium-sized Business, or Enterprise looking for B2B Leads Data. Get in touch with Coresignal to see what their data can do for your business and find out which integrations they provide.
Which countries does Company Data Companies in the United Kingdom Firmographics Data B2B Data Company Information Dataset cover?
This product includes data covering 1 country like United Kingdom. Coresignal is headquartered in United States of America.
How much does Company Data Companies in the United Kingdom Firmographics Data B2B Data Company Information Dataset cost?
Pricing information for Company Data Companies in the United Kingdom Firmographics Data B2B Data Company Information Dataset is available by getting in contact with Coresignal. Connect with Coresignal to get a quote and arrange custom pricing models based on your data requirements.
How can I get Company Data Companies in the United Kingdom Firmographics Data B2B Data Company Information Dataset?
Businesses can buy B2B Leads Data from Coresignal and get the data via S3 Bucket, SFTP, Email, and REST API. Depending on your data requirements and subscription budget, Coresignal can deliver this product in .json and .csv format.
What is the data quality of Company Data Companies in the United Kingdom Firmographics Data B2B Data Company Information Dataset?
You can compare and assess the data quality of Coresignal using Datarade’s data marketplace. Coresignal has received 12 reviews from clients. Coresignal appears on selected Datarade top lists ranking the best data providers, including Best +8 Web Scraping APIs to use in 2023, Best +8 Finance APIs to use in 2023, and Top 10 Fintech APIs with Company Data.
What are similar products to Company Data Companies in the United Kingdom Firmographics Data B2B Data Company Information Dataset?
This product has 3 related products. These alternatives include Company Data European Companies Dataset List of Companies in Europe Firmographics Data B2B Data Company Information Dataset, Company Data 28M Verified Company Data Profiles Best Price Guarantee, and Global Company Funding Data 61M Records with Historical Insights Bi-Weekly Updates. You can compare the best B2B Leads Data providers and products via Datarade’s data marketplace and get the right data for your use case.