Best +16 UK Company Datasets with information about companies based in United Kingdom
Explore our extensive UK company databases featuring over 16 datasets of the largest companies in the UK. This comprehensive collection of company data includes information such as company profiles, key contacts, financials, and industry insights. By utilizing these datasets, you can identify potential business opportunities, establish strategic partnerships, and gain a competitive edge in the UK market.
Recommended Company Data United Kingdom
Business Data United Kingdom / Company B2B Data United Kingdom ( Full Coverage)
Company Data | Companies in the United Kingdom | Firmographics Data | B2B Data | Company Information Dataset
Rhetorik | Business Data / Company B2B Data | 9m+ Businesses in the United Kingdom | Tracked and Verified Monthly
Firmographic Data for all Businesses in United Kingdom ( 7.6 M Businesses )
International Database - Portugal, Spain, Belgium, France, Germany, Ireland, Luxembourg, Netherlands, Norway, Sweden and United Kingdom
Related searches
Company Data | Firmographic Data | 16+ Industry Segmentation | Global Coverage | 100M+ Contacts | (Verified E-mail, Direct Dails)| 20+ Attributes
Company Financial Data | European Financial Professionals | 170M+ Professional Profiles | Verified Accuracy | Best Price Guarantee
HitHorizons | Company Invoice Data API | 20M+ Companies | 10 European Countries | 20+ Data Points | Monthly Updated | GDPR-Compliant
B2B Continuum UK | 12M UK B2B Data Set | 12M UK B2B Professional Contact Data Set | UK B2B Datasets | Safe to Email
UberEats E-Receipt Data | Food Delivery Transaction Data | Asia, Americas, EMEA | Granular & Aggregate Data available
What is UK company data?
UK company data refers to information about businesses and companies operating in the United Kingdom. It typically includes details such as the company name, registered address, company number, legal status, directors’ names, shareholders, financial information, and other relevant business data. This information is often sourced from official registers, such as Companies House in the UK, which maintains a central repository of company information.
Best UK company Data
In the following table, we present a range of top providers and datasets for company data in the United Kingdom. Whether you’re looking for B2B data, B2C data, points of interest (POI) data, firmographic data, or data specific to certain industries, this compilation offers various options to suit your needs. Each provider offers different region coverage, the ability to provide custom data, API access, daily refreshed data, and exclusive data offerings. Explore the details below to find the perfect company data dataset that aligns with your requirements in the United Kingdom.
Provider Name | Dataset Title | Region Coverage | Custom Data | API Access | Daily Refreshed Data | B2B / B2C | Exclusive Data |
Techsalerator | Business Data United Kingdom / Company B2B Data United Kingdom ( Full Coverage) | United Kingdom | Unknown | Unknown | Unknown | B2B | Unknown |
Techsalerator | UK Consumers ( B2C Data in the United Kingdom) | United Kingdom | Unknown | Unknown | Unknown | B2C | Unknown |
Geolytica | Geolytica Points of Interest (POI) Geo Data - United Kingdom | United Kingdom | Unknown | Unknown | Unknown | Both | Unknown |
Techsalerator | Firmographic Data for all Businesses in United Kingdom ( 7.6 M Businesses ) | United Kingdom | Unknown | Unknown | Yes | B2B | Unknown |
Techsalerator | POI/ Point of Interest Data for all Businesses in United Kingdom | United Kingdom | Unknown | Unknown | Yes | B2B | Unknown |
Datapo | United Kingdom business data — 12 million companies - Up-to-date & historical firmographic data, weekly updates | United Kingdom | Unknown | Unknown | Yes | B2B | Yes |
Iberinform | International Database - Portugal, Spain, Belgium, France, Germany, Ireland, Luxembourg, Netherlands, Norway, Sweden and United Kingdom | Multi-Region | Unknown | Unknown | Unknown | Unknown | Unknown |
ISS ESG | ISS ESG Controversial Weapon Research Data (identify companies involved in illegal weapons) | Global | Unknown | Unknown | Unknown | Unknown | Unknown |
DataCaptive | More than 1,070,574 Verified Contacts of companies that use Amazon AWS | Global | Yes | Unknown | Unknown | B2B | Unknown |
Frequently Asked Questions
What are the biggest UK company databases available?
The biggest UK company databases available on Datarade consist of more than 16 UK company datasets.
What type of information is included in these UK company databases?
These UK company databases typically include information such as company names, addresses, contact details, financial data, industry classification, and other relevant company information.
Can I access detailed financial data for the UK companies in these databases?
Yes, the UK company databases on Datarade often provide detailed financial data, including revenue, profit, assets, liabilities, and other financial metrics for the listed companies.
How can I use these UK company databases for my business?
These UK company databases can be used for various purposes, such as market research, lead generation, competitor analysis, sales prospecting, data enrichment, and more. The datasets provide valuable insights into the UK business landscape and can help you make informed business decisions.
How can I obtain access to the UK company databases on Datarade?
To access the UK company databases on Datarade, you can browse the platform’s marketplace, select the desired dataset, and follow the instructions to request access or make a purchase. Datarade facilitates the process of connecting data buyers with data providers, ensuring a seamless experience.