UK Non-life Insurer Solvency Data product image in hero

UK Non-life Insurer Solvency Data

Insurance DataLab
No reviews yetBadge iconVerified Data Provider
Year End
Total Eligible Own Funds to Meet the SCR
Solvency Capital Requirement
Solvency Coverage Ratio
Total Eligible Own Funds to Meet the MCR
Minimum Capital Requirement
Minimum Coverage Ratio
1 xxxxxxxxxx Xxxxxxxxx xxxxxx xxxxxxxxxx Xxxxx Xxxxxx Xxxxxxxxxx Xxxxxx Xxxxxxxxx Xxxxxxxxxx
2 xxxxxxxxx Xxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxx Xxxxxxx xxxxxx Xxxxx xxxxxxxxxx xxxxxx Xxxxxxxxxx xxxxxx
3 Xxxxx Xxxxxx xxxxx xxxxxxxx xxxxxxx Xxxxx Xxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxxx xxxxxx Xxxxxxxxx
4 xxxxxx Xxxxxxxxx Xxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxxx Xxxxxx Xxxxx xxxxxx xxxxxxx xxxxxxx Xxxxx
5 xxxxxx Xxxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxx xxxxxx Xxxxx Xxxxxxx xxxxxx Xxxxxxxx Xxxxxxx Xxxxx
6 xxxxxx xxxxxxxxxx Xxxxx xxxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxx Xxxxxxx xxxxxxxx xxxxxxxx Xxxxxxxxxx Xxxxxxxx
7 Xxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxx Xxxxxxxxxx Xxxxxx Xxxxxxxxx xxxxx xxxxxxx xxxxxxxxx Xxxxxx Xxxxxxx
8 Xxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxx Xxxxx xxxxxxxx Xxxxxxx xxxxxxxxx Xxxxxxx xxxxx Xxxxxxx
9 xxxxxxx Xxxxx xxxxxxxxxx Xxxxxxx Xxxxx xxxxxxxxxx Xxxxxx xxxxxx Xxxxxxxxx xxxxx
10 Xxxxxxxxxx xxxxxx xxxxx xxxxxxxx Xxxxxx Xxxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxx Xxxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxx xxxxx
... Xxxxxx xxxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxx xxxxx xxxxx xxxxxxxx xxxxxx Xxxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxxx Xxxxx
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Avail. Formats
.csv and .xls

Data Dictionary

[Sample] UK Insurer Solvency.csv
Attribute Type Example Mapping
String Insurer A
String UK
Year End
String Sep-22
Total Eligible Own Funds to Meet the SCR
String £67,836,626
Solvency Capital Requirement
String £36,334,715
Solvency Coverage Ratio
String 186.70%
Total Eligible Own Funds to Meet the MCR
String £62,386,419
Minimum Capital Requirement
String £9,083,679
Minimum Coverage Ratio
String 686.80%


Solvency data for every UK regulated non-life insurer for the most recent 3 years.
Annual solvency positions for every UK regulated non-life insurer for the most recent 3 years. Data on the performance of each insurer has been compiled and calculated from data submitted in annual regulatory returns and includes: - Total Eligible Own Funds For SCR - Solvency Capital Requirement - Solvency Coverage Ratio - Total Eligible Own Funds For MCR - Minimum Capital Requirement - Minimum Coverage Ratio

Country Coverage

Europe (1)
United Kingdom


3 years of historical data


License Starts at
One-off purchase
£7,500 / purchase
Monthly License Not available
Yearly License Not available
Usage-based Not available

Suitable Company Sizes

Small Business
Medium-sized Business



Use Cases


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Frequently asked questions

What is UK Non-life Insurer Solvency Data?

Solvency data for every UK regulated non-life insurer for the most recent 3 years.

What is UK Non-life Insurer Solvency Data used for?

This product has 5 key use cases. Insurance DataLab recommends using the data for Competitor Insights, Benchmarking, Market Intelligence, Risk Assessment, and Financial Intelligence. Global businesses and organizations buy Company Data from Insurance DataLab to fuel their analytics and enrichment.

Who can use UK Non-life Insurer Solvency Data?

This product is best suited if you’re a Small Business, Medium-sized Business, or Enterprise looking for Company Data. Get in touch with Insurance DataLab to see what their data can do for your business and find out which integrations they provide.

How far back does the data in UK Non-life Insurer Solvency Data go?

This product has 3 years of historical coverage. It can be delivered on a yearly basis.

Which countries does UK Non-life Insurer Solvency Data cover?

This product includes data covering 1 country like UK. Insurance DataLab is headquartered in United Kingdom.

How much does UK Non-life Insurer Solvency Data cost?

Pricing for UK Non-life Insurer Solvency Data starts at GBP7,500 per purchase. Connect with Insurance DataLab to get a quote and arrange custom pricing models based on your data requirements.

How can I get UK Non-life Insurer Solvency Data?

Businesses can buy Company Data from Insurance DataLab and get the data via Email. Depending on your data requirements and subscription budget, Insurance DataLab can deliver this product in .csv and .xls format.

What is the data quality of UK Non-life Insurer Solvency Data?

You can compare and assess the data quality of Insurance DataLab using Datarade’s data marketplace.

What are similar products to UK Non-life Insurer Solvency Data?

This product has 3 related products. These alternatives include Gibraltar Non-life Insurer Solvency Data, US Company Data Enrichment APIs 28M+ Full Company Profiles & Contact Data – Best Price & Quality Guarantee, and Global Company Funding Data 61M Records with Historical Insights Bi-Weekly Updates. You can compare the best Company Data providers and products via Datarade’s data marketplace and get the right data for your use case.

Starts at
£7,500 / purchase
License Starts at
One-off purchase
£7,500 / purchase
Monthly License Not available
Yearly License Not available
Usage-based Not available