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Contact Provider

Optimized for quick response

This is a highly researched, specialized list of new businesses and business executives. These are prime prospects for both broad economi...
5.1M Contact Records
95% Email validity rate
USA covered
5 years of historical data
OMI’s healthcare database is a verified database sourced from DEA, NPI, UPIN, Medicare/Medicaid files and state license files. Every corp...
2.5M Allied Health Records
95% email validity rate
USA covered
10 years of historical data
OMI's full database available to be broken down by a wide range of selects (Job Title, SIC, Geography, Company Size, Revenue, etc.) based...
78M contact records with email
95% email validity rate
USA covered
The OMI B2B Contact Database contains 50+ million SMB contacts and 7+ million SOHO contacts, all manager level and above.
50M SMB Contact Records
95% email validity rate
USA covered
10 years of historical data
OMI's B2B digital Audiences are available with the LiveRamp identity graph. They feature intent segments as well as business firmographics.
78M B2B Contact records
95% email validity rate
USA covered
10 years of historical data
OMI's B2B Contact data cleansing and Enhancement service flags any invalid contacts and replaces them on a company name and job title match.
USA covered