Weather Source Competitors & Alternatives

Looking for the best Global Weather Data provider for your business? Better play the field. Discover data-driven solutions for Analytics, Artificial Intelligence (AI), and Business Intelligence (BI). Find reviews for Weather Source left by Datarade users, and compare Weather Source’s data products and performance to the most popular competitors and alternatives. CustomWeather,, APISCRAPY, and FarmersEdge are the top competitors and alternatives to Weather Source.

Top Competitors & Alternatives to Weather Source

We provide industry-leading weather solutions to a wide range of industries that value quality, customer service, and data accuracy. As a leader in technology, CustomWeather is well aware of the la...
We offer data-driven insights and solutions which open perspectives to optimize your business and leverage undiscovered business potential. For this we use the latest methods from data science and ...
APISCRAPY is an AI-driven web scraping & automation platform that converts any web data into ready-to-use data. The platform is capable to extract data from websites, process data, automate workflo...
We collect data from four primary sources: weather stations, satellite imagery, soil testing and machine telematics.
AWIS Weather Services
Worldwide Weather & Climate data. Quality controlled by humans every hour. Available in standard or custom formats geared towards data analytics, retail research, project management, energy load pl...
Predik Data-driven
We are experts in the collection, extraction, management and analysis of large volumes of all types of data, from alternative and complex sources to traditional B2B and B2C sources. More tha 12 y...
Meteomatics weather API delivers fast, direct, simple access to an extensive range of global weather and environmental data. A single API endpoint to access weather and earth data covering the g...
Meteosource Weather API
Czech Republic
At an affordable price, you will receive accurate and reliable data that you can easily implement into your website or application. We also help you optimise weather-dependent activities.
Xverum provides clean, structured, and transformed datasets from the web.

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Frequently asked questions about Weather Source’s alternatives & competitors

What’s the competitive advantage of Weather Source?

Unlike other providers that rely solely on singular inputs (airport observation stations) and then use simple interpolation methods to extend the data to your location of interest, Weather Source approaches weather in a markedly different way. Weather Source’s patent-pending OnPoint Platform curates, decodes, and unifies data from the best weather-sensing technologies available, including satellite, radar, and airport observation stations and unifies all of these inputs into a temporally and spatially globally uniform 5km grid that acts as a “single source of truth.” Weather Source covers every land mass in the world and up to 200 miles offshore. Each grid point—1.6 million in total—represents a “virtual” weather station with a unique OnPoint ID from which weather data can be mapped. This high-resolution method ensures your location of interest is never more than 2.2 miles away from an OnPoint ID. With access to analytics-grade, hyper-local data—right down to your exact storefront, job site, real estate property, agricultural field, or automobile—your business can identify patterns, trends, and anomalies to always be one step ahead of competitors.

What are the best alternatives to Weather Source?

CustomWeather,, APISCRAPY, FarmersEdge, AWIS Weather Services, Predik Data-driven, Meteomatics, Meteosource Weather API, Xverum, and Marcus Weather