Weather Source
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Weather Source Pricing & Cost
Weather Source’s approach to pricing is to create configurable plans that are the right fit for each
customer. Therefore, we offer both per-location and API pricing models.
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About Weather Source
Weather Source in a Nutshell
Weather Source is the leading provider of analytics-grade, global weather data and turnkey weather-based solutions. Drawing on cutting-edge science, data analytics, and meteorological expertise, Weather Source has delivered the industry’s most comprehensive and accurate weather and& climate data since 2015. We empower companies to quantify the impact of weather on a business and reduce waste, increase return on investment, fine-tune logistics, optimize marketing, improve resource planning, and much more.
Country Coverage
Data Offering
Weather Source offers a curated continuum of global weather in hourly and daily format on a 9km grid back to 2000 to present and real-time forecast up to 15-days and an extended sub-seasonal forecast out to 46-days. Seasonal forecasts out up to 6.5 months are also available.
Featured in
Use Cases
A prominent energy company uses OnPoint Climatology and OnPoint Weather forecast data to identify unexpected and anomalistic weather within its service area to better understand and predict increases and decreases in energy consumption. By correlating the company’s relevant data with our historical data we then performed a regression analysis to look for any patterns, weather’s impact on their service areas and anomalistic weather. By incorporating OnPoint Climatology, we were able to establish a baseline and look at long term forecasting models so they could plan for increases or decreases in demand and resources.
A nationwide retailer uses our Weather Insights Platform (WIP) which automatically correlates weather historical data with sales transactional data in order to find signals that will enable the generation of actionable weather insights specific to the client’s data and their locations. Now they are able to predict how sales will be affected by weather changes up-to 42 days in advance down to the SKU level.
By integrating WIP the client is also able to extract what weather variables and their values have the most impact on product sales to understand how demand is increasing compared to historical sales and quantify the % impact the weather condition has on a specific product. This client also generated specific product demand patterns by season to proactively help on the decision process to initiate or not any promotion campaign depending on the upcoming weather conditions.
- Weather Source assisted a large insurer who wanted to create predictive models for claims related to automobile hail damage at the ZIP Code level. Weather Source used its Extreme Climatology models for hail correlated to claims activity which allowed the client to understand how many claims were submitted and paid, or declined, during normal or average conditions). The client then differenced historical actuals from the hail climatological mean to identify the anomalies or outliers which we then correlated to claims data to ascertain how anomalistic weather impacts claim activity. The output of this analysis was then carried forward into a predictive model that differenced the forecast from the hail climatological mean and identified future periods in which claims activity was predicted to increase or decrease.
Data Sources & Collection
GOES 16 AND 17
IoT Devices and sensors
Key Differentiators
Unlike other providers that rely solely on singular inputs (airport observation stations) and then use simple interpolation methods to extend the data to your location of interest, Weather Source approaches weather in a markedly different way.
Weather Source’s patent-pending OnPoint Platform curates, decodes, and unifies data from the best weather-sensing technologies available, including satellite, radar, and airport observation stations and unifies all of these inputs into a temporally and spatially globally uniform 5km grid that acts as a “single source of truth.” Weather Source covers every land mass in the world and up to 200 miles offshore. Each grid point—1.6 million in total—represents a “virtual” weather station with a unique OnPoint ID from which weather data can be mapped. This high-resolution method ensures your location of interest is never more than 2.2 miles away from an OnPoint ID.
With access to analytics-grade, hyper-local data—right down to your exact storefront, job site, real estate property, agricultural field, or automobile—your business can identify patterns, trends, and anomalies to always be one step ahead of competitors.
Data Privacy

Frequently asked questions about Weather Source
What does Weather Source do?
Weather Source’s mission is to make hyper-local weather and climate data accessible around the globe and across industries.
How much does Weather Source cost?
The supported pricing models for Weather Source’s data are One-off purchase, Monthly License, Yearly License, and Usage-based. Weather Source offers free samples for individual data requirements. Get talking to a member of the Weather Source team to receive custom pricing options, information about data subscription fees, and quotes for Weather Source’s data offering tailored to your use case.
What kind of data does Weather Source have?
Map Data, Weather Data, AI Training Data, Climate Data, and 11 others
What data does Weather Source offer?
Weather Source offers a curated continuum of global weather in hourly and daily format on a 9km grid back to 2000 to present and real-time forecast up to 15-days and an extended sub-seasonal forecast out to 46-days. Seasonal forecasts out up to 6.5 months are also available.
How does Weather Source collect data?
What’s Weather Source’s data privacy policy?
What are the best use cases for Weather Source’s data?
A prominent energy company uses OnPoint Climatology and OnPoint Weather forecast data to identify unexpected and anomalistic weather within its service area to better understand and predict increases and decreases in energy consumption. By correlating the company’s relevant data with our historical data we then performed a regression analysis to look for any patterns, weather’s impact on their service areas and anomalistic weather. By incorporating OnPoint Climatology, we were able to establish a baseline and look at long term forecasting models so they could plan for increases or decreases in demand and resources. A nationwide retailer uses our Weather Insights Platform (WIP) which automatically correlates weather historical data with sales transactional data in order to find signals that will enable the generation of actionable weather insights specific to the client’s data and their locations. Now they are able to predict how sales will be affected by weather changes up-to 42 days in advance down to the SKU level. By integrating WIP the client is also able to extract what weather variables and their values have the most impact on product sales to understand how demand is increasing compared to historical sales and quantify the % impact the weather condition has on a specific product. This client also generated specific product demand patterns by season to proactively help on the decision process to initiate or not any promotion campaign depending on the upcoming weather conditions. Weather Source assisted a large insurer who wanted to create predictive models for claims related to automobile hail damage at the ZIP Code level. Weather Source used its Extreme Climatology models for hail correlated to claims activity which allowed the client to understand how many claims were submitted and paid, or declined, during normal or average conditions). The client then differenced historical actuals from the hail climatological mean to identify the anomalies or outliers which we then correlated to claims data to ascertain how anomalistic weather impacts claim activity. The output of this analysis was then carried forward into a predictive model that differenced the forecast from the hail climatological mean and identified future periods in which claims activity was predicted to increase or decrease.
What platforms is Weather Source integrated with?
Qlik DataMarket, Bloomberg Enterprise Access Point, Crux Informatics, BattleFin Ensemble, AWS Data Exchange, CARTO Data Observatory, Snowflake Data Marketplace, and Google Cloud Analytics Hub