Best Data for Data Driven Marketing
Data-driven marketing is an approach to marketing that relies on the analysis and interpretation of data to make informed decisions and drive marketing strategies. It involves collecting and analyzing various types of data, such as customer demographics, behavior, preferences,...
Recommended Data for Data Driven Marketing
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700M LinkedIn Profiles
99% Accuracy
250 countries covered
Access verified Healthcare Data and contacts for health professionals via’s API. Ideal for pharmaceutical, medical equipment, and healthcare recru...
140K companies
63 countries covered
10 years of historical data
Unlock powerful Consumer Marketing Data from PissedConsumer, featuring over 5 million reviews on more than 140,000 companies worldwide. Gain valuable insight...
641 million MAUs globally
154 countries covered
5 years of historical data
GapMaps GIS Data by Azira provides actionable insights on consumer travel patterns at a global scale empowering Marketing and Operational Leaders to confiden...
1.6M Brazilian Company Profiles
95% Complete Profiles
Brazil covered
Need fresh and complete firmographic data on any startup, B2B company, or corporation in Brazil?
Xverum delivers filtered and extensive B2B marketing data...
700M LinkedIn Profiles
99% Accuracy
250 countries covered
Access verified Education Marketing Data and Contact Data for education professionals and institutions with Includes profiles of administrators, ...
350K calls per month
63 countries covered
1 years of historical data
Unlock insights into consumer interactions with WiserBrand's comprehensive dataset, featuring detailed transcriptions and metadata of consumer calls from var...
Based in USA
Datasys compiles one of the largest consumer and business data sets in the world. We use our expansive data and technology platforms to help companies more a...
large quantities
constantly updated & verified
Full consumer profiles
The Data Appeal Company
Based in Italy
Hyper-granular, global POI & geolocation data combined with business information, sentiment score(customer experience), popularity (a footfall proxy) and mar...
Average Annual Revenue Growth
Increase in Customer Sentiment
Increase in Market Share
Based in Bulgaria
Geolocet, specializing in European population demographics, political map boundaries, and points of interest, offers data tailored to meet the needs of busin...
Based in USA
Xverum provides clean, structured, and transformed datasets from the web.
Data Items Verified Monthly
Verified Profiles
Attributes Updated Daily
Based in Australia
Access high quality Point of Interest (POI) and Demographic Datasets across Australia, Asia, India, Middle East and North America. Trusted by leading brands...
Brand POIs
Based in Canada
QuoteWay is Canada's leading provider of consumer data and high-quality leads. We empower businesses with precise, reliable insights to drive growth and succ...
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