Best Hiring Dataset for Recruitment in 2022
Hiring datasets refer to collections of structured data that provide information on job vacancies, recruitment trends, and hiring activities across various industries and regions. These datasets typically include details such as job titles, job descriptions, required qualifications, salary ranges, company profiles, and hiring timelines. By analyzing hiring datasets, businesses and recruiters can gain valuable insights into the job market, identify talent acquisition opportunities, and make informed decisions regarding their hiring strategies.
Recommended Hiring Dataset
Rocks & Gold Hiring Data Platform - 200k+ B2B companies hiring for tech talent updated in real-time (50+ major job boards)
Hiring Activity dataset on 5,400 US public companies | LinkedIn Full Dataset – 700M Public Profiles & 70M Companies – Global Dataset – Best Price and Quality Guarantee
Grepsr | Company Data | Firmographic Dataset from LinkedIn | Global Coverage with Custom and On-demand Datasets
Global Recruiting Data | 732M Records | Daily Refresh | 97M Monthly Updates
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Intellizence Layoff, Downsizing, Hiring Freeze & Job-cut Data | Public & Private Companies | API |
800M+ Complete B2B Profiles | B2B Contact Data | 300M+ Updates per Month, 100+ Attributes per Profile
Recruiting Data - Job Recruitment Data - Employee Data - Open Role Insights Data - Updated Monthly
Custom dataset from any website on the Internet
Job Postings Data | Salary Data | Human Resources (HR) Data | Recruiting Data | No Infra Cost | Easy to Integrate | 50% Cost Savings | Free Samples
What are hiring datasets?
Hiring datasets refer to collections of structured data that provide information on job vacancies, recruitment trends, and hiring activities across various industries and regions.
What kind of information do hiring datasets include?
Hiring datasets typically include details such as job titles, job descriptions, required qualifications, salary ranges, company profiles, and hiring timelines.
How can businesses and recruiters benefit from analyzing hiring datasets?
By analyzing hiring datasets, businesses and recruiters can gain valuable insights into the job market, identify talent acquisition opportunities, and make informed decisions regarding their hiring strategies.
Where can I find hiring datasets?
Hiring datasets can be found on various online platforms, job boards, and recruitment websites. Additionally, some organizations and research institutions may provide access to their own hiring datasets.
How can I use hiring datasets for my recruitment process?
Hiring datasets can be used to identify industry trends, understand the demand for specific job roles, benchmark salaries, and target potential candidates. By leveraging this data, recruiters can optimize their recruitment strategies and improve their hiring outcomes.
Are hiring datasets available for free?
While some hiring datasets may be available for free, others may require a subscription or purchase. The availability and cost of hiring datasets can vary depending on the source and the level of detail provided.