Best Data for Credit Risk Management
Credit risk management refers to the process of maximising a lender's return on loans while maintaining the credit risk exposure within an acceptable range. Banks and investors use credit ratings based on data to evaluate their portfolios, and avoid credit loss.
Recommended Data for Credit Risk Management
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Opoint provides global news data on trade credit risk, offering raw insights into the latest developments affecting supply chains. Ideal for those needing re...
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Provides B2B credit risk reports
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10 years of historical data
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100K records
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Credit spread is the credit funding cost for a firm. For many products, credit spread is the major risk driver. Credit spread impacts discounting, default pr...
500K Registered Entities
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We currently hold the largest and most comprehensive commercial database in Cyprus.
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FinPricing provides highly accurate global financial market data from real time to historical via GUI and API. The data are collected from various sources, i...
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Transparent Data
Based in Poland
From tech-driven company data solutions to API creation, legacy systems rescue & integrations - Transparent Data acquires and integrates data about companies...
Cedar Rose
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Our services include company...
Based in Denmark
Our suite of solutions equips you with the data to monitor, analyse, and react to narratives around brands, industries, or markets swiftly. With unparalleled...
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A comprehensive suite of intelligent agents providing end-to-end process automation - from advanced data extraction to actionable financials insights - empow...
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Exchange Data International
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