What is SDK Data? Definition, Sources & Datasets to buy

What is SDK data and how can it be utilized? This article explores the uses, analysis, and location data of SDK datasets and databases in 2024. Discover the best sources for SDK data and where to purchase it on Datarade.ai.

What is SDK Data?

SDK data is information collected and transmitted by a Software Development Kit (SDK). An SDK is a set of tools and resources that developers use to create applications for specific platforms. The SDK collects various data points, such as user interactions, device information, and app usage statistics. This data is crucial for developers to understand how their app is being used, identify issues, and make improvements.
Examples of SDK data include user demographics, app usage patterns, device information, and SDK location data. SDK data is used by developers and marketers to gain insights into user behavior, improve app performance, and deliver personalized experiences. In this page, you’ll find the best data sources for SDK location data.

Data Specialist Lucy
Lucy Kelly
Data Specialist

Best SDK Data Databases & Datasets

Here is Datarade's curated selection of top SDK Data. These trusted databases and datasets offer high-quality, up-to-date information.

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Start icon5.0(2)
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Datastream Group Location Data Feed USA & International -SDK.GPS, POI daily feed, >180MM DAU)

Available for 163 countries
38M DAU Feed TO3
24 months of historical data
90% accuracy rate
Starts at
$15,000$14,250 / month
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5% Datarade discount
Starts at
$750 / month
Pricing available upon request


Available for 1 countries
12 months of historical data
Pricing available upon request
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Available Pricing:
One-off purchase
Monthly License
Yearly License
Free sample preview

SDK Data plays a pivotal role in various business applications, offering valuable insights and opportunities across industries.

Frequently Asked Questions

What is SDK Data?

SDK Data refers to the information collected and transmitted through Software Development Kits (SDKs) integrated into mobile apps or software applications. It encompasses various types of data, such as user behavior, device information, location data, and app usage statistics.

How is SDK Data collected?

SDK Data is collected by integrating SDKs into mobile apps or software applications. These SDKs capture and transmit data in real-time or periodically, depending on the configuration. The SDKs interact with the app’s code to collect information such as user interactions, device details, and other relevant data points.

What is SDK Data used for?

SDK Data is used for a variety of purposes, including user analytics, marketing and advertising optimization, app performance monitoring, user personalization, and targeted advertising. It provides valuable insights into user behavior, helps improve app functionality, and informs decision-making processes for businesses.

What’s a quality checklist for SDK Data?

A quality checklist for SDK Data includes:

  • Accuracy: Ensuring that the data collected is accurate and reliable.
  • Completeness: Confirming that all necessary data points are captured and transmitted.
  • Privacy compliance: Ensuring that the collection and usage of SDK Data comply with relevant privacy regulations and user consent.
  • Compatibility: Verifying that the SDK is compatible with the targeted platforms and devices.
  • Data security: Implementing appropriate measures to protect the SDK Data from unauthorized access or breaches.
  • Reliability: Ensuring that the SDK operates consistently and reliably across different environments and scenarios.

How is SDK Data priced?

The pricing of SDK Data can vary depending on several factors, including the data provider, the type and depth of data, the volume of data collected, and the intended use of the data. Pricing models can include subscription-based plans, tiered pricing based on data volume or features, or customized pricing based on specific requirements or data usage agreements. It is important to consult with the data provider to understand their pricing structure and negotiate terms that align with your specific needs.

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