Best Data for Cold Outreach
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200 Million
70% Accuracy (approx.)
36 countries covered
Get Contact Direct Dial/Cell Phone Number for Your Targeted Prospects| Real-time Verified Contact Phone Number
222 Million Key Customers detected
95% Accuracy
250 countries covered
Enhance your B2B strategy with PredictLeads Key Customers Logo Data, utilizing insights from 222 million Key Customers across 43 million websites to power le...
1K leads
100% deliverability
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Never waste time and money building prospect lists again. Simply tell us what prospects you'd like to target in your outreach based on intent data, sit back,...
50 Million
95% accuracy
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We provide Targeted B2B Marketing data for Telemarketing and Email Marketing. We can provide a Lead List for any business category and location you want.
7 + Million News Events Detected.
95% Accuracy
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Discover strategic sales opportunities with PredictLeads News Events Data, covering over 2 million websites with real-time insights into corporate developmen...
200 Countries
100% Accurate, SLA guaranteed, and phone-verified
249 countries covered
We rely on GDPR and CCPA aligned processes by setting stringent rules on how we process, gather, and protect personal data.
Based in USA
We initiated with the principle to support B2B establishments around the world with high-quality data insights. We have been encouraging firms to date and co...
Company Profiles
Based in USA
Our SMB business contact database is the most comprehensive of its kind, with more than 18 million companies matched to over 78 million contacts, with email ...
B2B Contacts with Email
Digital IDs
Based in Singapore
Leadbook is a database and data service provider backed by proprietary A.I. powered data technology and a global database of 200 million verified business co...
verified contacts
verified organisations
Data Marketers Group
Based in USA
Data is human and social verified. Updates are applied on a daily basis to keep the data fresh on a real time basis
CAN SPAM Compliant
Real Time Verification
Direct Contact points
Salutary Data
Based in USA
Salutary Data is a leading provider of high-quality U.S. contact and company information, specializing in data enrichment and customized data feeds. Their da...
Unique Contact Profiles
Validated Work Emails
Validated Mobile Phones
Krill Technologies
Based in USA
Founded with a goal to use the right mix of human expertise and technology & leverage this mantra to deliver better ROI & substantial results to marketers. A...