What is Delayed Market Data? Best Datasets & Databases 2024
What is Delayed Market Data?
Delayed market data refers to financial information, such as stock prices or market quotes, that is not provided in real-time but with a time delay. This delay can range from a few minutes to several hours, depending on the source. Delayed market data is commonly used by individual investors or traders who do not require immediate information and are willing to accept a slight delay in exchange for lower costs or free access. However, it may not be suitable for time-sensitive trading strategies or high-frequency trading.
Delayed market data refers to financial information that is not provided in real-time but has a time delay before it is made available to the public. Examples of delayed market data include delayed stock prices, delayed currency exchange rates, and delayed commodity prices. Delayed market data is used by investors, traders, and financial analysts to track historical trends, analyze market performance, and make informed investment decisions. In this page, youâll find the best data sources for delayed market data, including delayed market data APIs and delayed prices for various currencies (ccy).