What is Market Sentiment Data? Best Market Sentiment Databases & Feeds
What is Stock Market Sentiment Data?
Stock market sentiment is the general attitude of investors towards a particular financial market or security offering. It is the feeling or tone of a market which is shown by the activity and price changes of the securities and shares which are traded on a particular market. Rising prices indicate bullish market (i.e. the market is on the rise and the economy is sound) whereas falling prices indicate bearish market sentiment (i.e. the economy is receding and most stocks are declining in value).
Examples of Stock Market Sentiment Data include social media sentiment analysis, news sentiment analysis, and surveys measuring investor sentiment. This data is used by traders, investors, and financial institutions to gauge market sentiment, make informed investment decisions, and identify potential market trends. In this page, you’ll find the best data sources for stock market sentiment data, such as market sentiment APIs and sentiment analysis tools.
Best Stock Market Sentiment Databases & Datasets
Here is our curated selection of top Stock Market Sentiment Data sources. We focus on key factors such as data reliability, accuracy, and flexibility to meet diverse use-case requirements. These datasets are provided by trusted providers known for delivering high-quality, up-to-date information.
InfoTrie Stock Market Sentiment Data - Over 100+ market indices, historical coverage globally
Dappier | Financial & Real-Time Stock Market Data | RAG API, LLM Compatible | Market & Exchange Search
Risklio Event-Aware Trading Insights | US Stock Sentiment & Equity Market Insights
Grepsr | Stock Market Datasets | Global Coverage with Custom and On-demand Datasets
ViralMoment’s Reddit Stock Ticker Mention and Sentiment
Overtone global News Impact + Sentiment Correlation to Stock Price data set, real-time sourced
Stock Market Sentiment Data: Historical tick-by-tick sentiment data, real-time updates, and market indices globally
TopStonks: Social Buzz and Sentiment from the Most Popular Stock and Crypto Trading Forums
Brain Sentiment Indicator - Currencies, Cryptocurrencies and Commodities
EPFR Stock Allocations and Flows
Monetize data on Datarade Marketplace
Popular Use Cases for Stock Market Sentiment Data
Stock Market Sentiment Data is essential for a wide range of business applications, offering valuable insights and driving opportunities across industries. Below, we have highlighted the most significant use cases for Stock Market Sentiment Data.
Main Attributes of Stock Market Sentiment Data
Below, we outline the most popular attributes associated with this type of data—features that data buyers are actively seeking to meet their needs.
Attribute | Type | Description | Action |
String | The trade name of a company, also called "doing business as" (DBA). | View 1 datasets |
Frequently Asked Questions
Where Can I Buy Stock Market Sentiment Data?
You can explore our data marketplace to find a variety of Stock Market Sentiment Data tailored to different use cases. Our verified providers offer a range of solutions, and you can contact them directly to discuss your specific needs.
How is the Quality of Stock Market Sentiment Data Maintained?
The quality of Stock Market Sentiment Data is ensured through rigorous validation processes, such as cross-referencing with reliable sources, monitoring accuracy rates, and filtering out inconsistencies. High-quality datasets often report match rates, regular updates, and adherence to industry standards.
How Frequently is Stock Market Sentiment Data Updated?
The update frequency for Stock Market Sentiment Data varies by provider and dataset. Some datasets are refreshed daily or weekly, while others update less frequently. When evaluating options, ensure you select a dataset with a frequency that suits your specific use case.
Is Stock Market Sentiment Data Secure?
The security of Stock Market Sentiment Data is prioritized through compliance with industry standards, including encryption, anonymization, and secure delivery methods like SFTP and APIs. At Datarade, we enforce strict policies, requiring all our providers to adhere to regulations such as GDPR, CCPA, and other relevant data protection standards.
How is Stock Market Sentiment Data Delivered?
Stock Market Sentiment Data can be delivered in formats such as CSV, JSON, XML, or via APIs, enabling seamless integration into your systems. Delivery frequencies range from real-time updates to scheduled intervals (daily, weekly, monthly, or on-demand). Choose datasets that align with your preferred delivery method and system compatibility for Stock Market Sentiment Data.
How Much Does Stock Market Sentiment Data Cost?
The cost of Stock Market Sentiment Data depends on factors like the datasets size, scope, update frequency, and customization level. Pricing models may include one-off purchases, monthly or yearly subscriptions, or usage-based fees. Many providers offer free samples, allowing you to evaluate the suitability of Stock Market Sentiment Data for your needs.
What Are Similar Data Types to Stock Market Sentiment Data?
Stock Market Sentiment Data is similar to other data types, such as Proprietary Market Data, Indices Data, Stock Fundamental Data, Intraday Stock Data, and Stock Price Data. These related categories are often used together for applications like Stock Valuation.
- Overview
- Datasets
- Use Cases
- Attributes