Anachart | Public Companies Market Cap History | NASDAQ & NYSE | Over 1.75M Documented accessible Weekly Market Caps | 5 Years of History product image in hero

Anachart | Public Companies Market Cap History | NASDAQ & NYSE | Over 1.75M Documented accessible Weekly Market Caps | 5 Years of History

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Data Samples
1 xxxxxxxxxx Xxxxxxxxx xxxxxx
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.bin, .json, and .xml

Data Dictionary

[Sample] MSFT.US.csv
Attribute Type Example Mapping
String MSFT
String 11/1/19
String $1,096,411,940,800


AnaChart’s Public Companies market cap History market cap History Database offers a record of market cap for U.S. public companies, with data sorted by company, date, and value in USD since 2019 or IPO. Ideal for performance analysis, trend comparison, valuation forecasting, and strategic planning.
AnaChart: Comprehensive U.S. Market Cap Data Solutions AnaChart provides a structured, well-documented history of market cap data for every publicly traded U.S. company, enabling analysts, investors, and portfolio managers to make data-driven decisions and conduct in-depth analyses. The database covers market cap entries from as early as 2000, or from each company’s IPO date, and includes: Key Features: Company-Specific Data: Access detailed market cap histories tailored to each company. Date-Sorted Entries: Track market cap fluctuations by date, spanning decades or from a specific company's inception. Market Cap Amounts in USD: Retrieve accurate, currency-specific figures that allow for precise comparisons and historical tracking. Applications and Use Cases: 1. Historical Performance Analysis Objective: Assess long-term market cap trends at company, sector, or broader market levels. Use Case: Track the consistency and growth of a company’s market cap, identifying stable or high-performing firms over various time frames. This analysis aids in recognizing long-term stability and evaluating market cap reliability. 2. Income Forecasting and Dividend Strategy Objective: Estimate future income potential for portfolio planning. Use Case: By analyzing historical market cap trends, investors can project possible future returns, contributing to income-focused strategies, reinvestment plans, and cash flow management. 3. Sector and Market Comparisons Objective: Compare market cap trends across industries or individual sectors. Use Case: Identify industry leaders by benchmarking market cap data within sectors, which can reveal high-performing industries, companies with steady cap yields, or sectors with potential growth. 4. Risk and Stability Assessment Objective: Gauge financial stability during economic shifts. Use Case: Review market cap volatility or stability over time to detect signs of financial health or instability. For instance, sudden drops may indicate potential risk, whereas consistent market cap figures may reflect resilience in turbulent periods. 5. Market Cap Growth Modeling and Return Analysis Objective: Project long-term growth and total return potential. Use Case: Incorporate historical data into growth models to calculate compound growth potential. Analysts can leverage growth rates and historical trends to forecast potential future outcomes for investment returns. 6. Strategic Tax Planning Objective: Facilitate tax-efficient planning around market cap-based returns. Use Case: Tax-conscious investors can utilize market cap histories to optimize payout timing, estimate taxable income, and plan around anticipated sector-specific trends for tax efficiency.

Country Coverage

North America (1)
United States of America


35,000 Records
24 Years


Free sample available
License Starts at
One-off purchase
$99 / purchase
Monthly License Available
Yearly License Available
$10 / stock

Suitable Company Sizes

Small Business
Medium-sized Business


S3 Bucket
UI Export
Streaming API
Feed API

Use Cases

Company Valuation Revenue Forecasting Company Risk Analysis
Sector and Market Comparison
Tax Planning


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Frequently asked questions

What is Anachart Public Companies Market Cap History NASDAQ & NYSE Over 1.75M Documented accessible Weekly Market Caps 5 Years of History?

AnaChart’s Public Companies market cap History market cap History Database offers a record of market cap for U.S. public companies, with data sorted by company, date, and value in USD since 2019 or IPO. Ideal for performance analysis, trend comparison, valuation forecasting, and strategic planning.

What is Anachart Public Companies Market Cap History NASDAQ & NYSE Over 1.75M Documented accessible Weekly Market Caps 5 Years of History used for?

This product has 5 key use cases. AnaChart recommends using the data for Company Valuation, Revenue Forecasting, Company Risk Analysis, Sector and Market Comparison, and Tax Planning. Global businesses and organizations buy Stock Market Data from AnaChart to fuel their analytics and enrichment.

Who can use Anachart Public Companies Market Cap History NASDAQ & NYSE Over 1.75M Documented accessible Weekly Market Caps 5 Years of History?

This product is best suited if you’re a Small Business, Medium-sized Business, or Enterprise looking for Stock Market Data. Get in touch with AnaChart to see what their data can do for your business and find out which integrations they provide.

Which countries does Anachart Public Companies Market Cap History NASDAQ & NYSE Over 1.75M Documented accessible Weekly Market Caps 5 Years of History cover?

This product includes data covering 1 country like USA. AnaChart is headquartered in United States of America.

How much does Anachart Public Companies Market Cap History NASDAQ & NYSE Over 1.75M Documented accessible Weekly Market Caps 5 Years of History cost?

Pricing for Anachart Public Companies Market Cap History NASDAQ & NYSE Over 1.75M Documented accessible Weekly Market Caps 5 Years of History starts at USD10 per stock. Connect with AnaChart to get a quote and arrange custom pricing models based on your data requirements.

How can I get Anachart Public Companies Market Cap History NASDAQ & NYSE Over 1.75M Documented accessible Weekly Market Caps 5 Years of History?

Businesses can buy Stock Market Data from AnaChart and get the data via S3 Bucket, SFTP, Email, UI Export, REST API, SOAP API, Streaming API, and Feed API. Depending on your data requirements and subscription budget, AnaChart can deliver this product in .bin, .json, .xml, .csv, .xls, .sql, and .txt format.

What is the data quality of Anachart Public Companies Market Cap History NASDAQ & NYSE Over 1.75M Documented accessible Weekly Market Caps 5 Years of History?

You can compare and assess the data quality of AnaChart using Datarade’s data marketplace.

What are similar products to Anachart Public Companies Market Cap History NASDAQ & NYSE Over 1.75M Documented accessible Weekly Market Caps 5 Years of History?

This product has 3 related products. These alternatives include Anachart Public Companies Dividend History NASDAQ & NYSE Over 35,000 Documented accessible Individual Dividends 24 Years of History, EDI Index (Indices Data) Benchmark Constituents Components for over 6000 Indices worldwide. History and Time Series available, and InfoTrie Stock Market Sentiment Data - Over 100+ market indices, historical coverage globally. You can compare the best Stock Market Data providers and products via Datarade’s data marketplace and get the right data for your use case.

Starts at
$10 / stock
License Starts at
One-off purchase
$99 / purchase
Monthly License Available
Yearly License Available
$10 / stock