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Market Inside Data Data Products: APIs & Datasets
Market Inside Data Pricing & Cost
Customized On-Demand Basis
Quarterly License
Bi-Annual License
Yearly License
Pricing depends upon following factors:
Number of Years
Number of HS Codes
Number of Countries/Continents
Shipment records downloading rights required
Price Range falls in between USD 2400 to USD 15,000
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About Market Inside Data
Market Inside Data in a Nutshell
Market Inside is a global leader in import-export information and analytics for the major industries and markets.
By using our dashboard, you can access:
• Bill of lading data by HS Code or product description.
• Product specifications like brand, model, type, etc.
• Company information like name, size, location and so on.
• Companies’ business information such as market share, industry, etc.
How import-export data which you get from us benefits to your business?
• Study trade relationships for business decisions.
• Determine market share of companies to choose the best prospects.
• Visualize latest market trends to discover new business opportunities.
• Find active suppliers in any area of the world.
• Identify suitable buyers globally to supply your product.
• Directly contact companies and their key decision makers to expand business relationships.
• Track bilateral trade between countries to discover new spots to import and export.
Country Coverage
Data Offering
Our database contains:
• 220+ Countries Global Trade Data
• 27+ Exclusive Countries Trade Intelligence
• 55+ Countries Customs Data
• 2+ Billion Importer-Exporter Shipment Records
• 1.8+ M Import-Export Companies
• 1+ M Worldwide Company’s Contacts
• Product specifications like brand, model, type, etc
• Company information like name, size, location and so on
• Location data like origin country, destination, port of loading & unloading
• Companies Business Information like Market Share
Featured in
Use Cases
Market Research, Company Analysis, Company Valuation, Business Development, Competitive Intelligence, Competitor analysis, Competition Analysis, Company Based Marketing, Data Enhancement, Data Enrichment, Demand Forecasting, Direct Marketing, Due Diligence, Fraud Prevention, Investment Banking & Investment Management, Lead Generation, Lead Prioritization, Location Based Targeting, Location Based Marketing, Market Intelligence, Market Analytics, Operational Intelligence, Product Research, Risk Analysis, Risk Assessment, Risk Mitigation, Sales Enablement, Ship Tracking, Stock Picking, Stock Valuation, Supply Market Analysis, Supply Market Intelligence,
Certifications & Associations

Data Sources & Collection
For data authenticity, we collect raw data from the most genuine sources and filter information to remove duplicates and make every detail clean and error-free.
Our data sources are Ports Authorities, Customs Departments, Federal & State government, Embassies, Chamber of Commerce & Trade, Business Councils, Tax & Policy Departments, Secretary Boards etc.
Key Differentiators
We have 31+ Exclusive Countries Customs Data:
eg: Bangladesh, Indonesia, Singapore, Thailand, Turkey, Burundi, Chad, Ghana, Lesotho, Liberia, Malawi, Namibia, Nigeria, Tanzania, Zambia, Zimbabwe, DR Congo, Senegal, Sao Tome and Principe, Sierra Leone, Cameroon, Niger, Bolivia, Guyana, Costa Rica, Mexico(All Modes), Guatemala, Nicaragua, Turkey, Kosovo & Moldova
Apart from these we cover 55+ countries direct 100% customs data and 182+ countries Statistical & Mirror data.
We also provide complete details of Buyers and Sellers all around the globe like contact details, email addresses, location, port of loading & unloading, Product description, Brand, Size, Quantity, Weight, Total value, HS Code, Competitors Map, Canals trade data etc.
We provide Suez Canal Database, Cargo database and Transit database of all countries as well. Apart from this we provide bulk database offline in excel files/Csv files.
Data Privacy
The dataset’s authenticity is maintained by sourcing raw data from reliable sources like Federal & State Governments, Embassies, Customs & Tax Departments, Ministries, and Ports Authorities. The data is meticulously filtered to eliminate errors and duplicates and is regularly updated for accuracy. Users also have the convenience of accessing shipment records instantly using specific keywords from anywhere.

Frequently asked questions about Market Inside Data
What does Market Inside Data do?
Our Database Contains: • 220+ Countries’ Global Trade Data • 3+ Billion Importer-Exporter Shipment Records • 20+ Million Import-Export Companies • 40+ Million Decision Maker Direct Phone Numbers • 50+ Million Decision Maker Direct Email Addresses
How much does Market Inside Data cost?
Market Inside Data’s APIs and datasets range in cost from $3,000 / year to $200,000 / purchase. Market Inside Data offers free samples for individual data requirements. Get talking to a member of the Market Inside Data team to receive custom pricing options, information about data subscription fees, and quotes for Market Inside Data’s data offering tailored to your use case.
What kind of data does Market Inside Data have?
Transport and Logistics Data, Road Data, Import Export Data, Global Trade Data, and 4 others
What data does Market Inside Data offer?
Our database contains: • 220+ Countries Global Trade Data • 27+ Exclusive Countries Trade Intelligence • 55+ Countries Customs Data • 2+ Billion Importer-Exporter Shipment Records • 1.8+ M Import-Export Companies • 1+ M Worldwide Company’s Contacts • Product specifications like brand, model, type, etc • Company information like name, size, location and so on • Location data like origin country, destination, port of loading & unloading • Companies Business Information like Market Share
How does Market Inside Data collect data?
For data authenticity, we collect raw data from the most genuine sources and filter information to remove duplicates and make every detail clean and error-free. Our data sources are Ports Authorities, Customs Departments, Federal & State government, Embassies, Chamber of Commerce & Trade, Business Councils, Tax & Policy Departments, Secretary Boards etc.
What’s Market Inside Data’s data privacy policy?
The dataset’s authenticity is maintained by sourcing raw data from reliable sources like Federal & State Governments, Embassies, Customs & Tax Departments, Ministries, and Ports Authorities. The data is meticulously filtered to eliminate errors and duplicates and is regularly updated for accuracy. Users also have the convenience of accessing shipment records instantly using specific keywords from anywhere.
What are the best use cases for Market Inside Data’s data?
Market Research, Company Analysis, Company Valuation, Business Development, Competitive Intelligence, Competitor analysis, Competition Analysis, Company Based Marketing, Data Enhancement, Data Enrichment, Demand Forecasting, Direct Marketing, Due Diligence, Fraud Prevention, Investment Banking & Investment Management, Lead Generation, Lead Prioritization, Location Based Targeting, Location Based Marketing, Market Intelligence, Market Analytics, Operational Intelligence, Product Research, Risk Analysis, Risk Assessment, Risk Mitigation, Sales Enablement, Ship Tracking, Stock Picking, Stock Valuation, Supply Market Analysis, Supply Market Intelligence,
What platforms is Market Inside Data integrated with?
Quandl, Enigma Data Marketplace, HubSpot, Open:FactSet Marketplace, and Xignite Market Data Cloud