Best Mobile Location Data Providers & Companies

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Our recommendation

Data Specialist Lucy
Lucy Kelly
Data Specialist

Datarade considers factors such as data accuracy, granularity, coverage, data collection methodology, privacy compliance, data freshness, and data enrichment capabilities when recommending mobile location data providers.

Top 20 Mobile Location Data Providers

Digital Element Badge icon

Based in United States of America
Since 1999, Digital Element has been providing global geolocation data and services that bring anytime, anywhere relevance and context to online initiatives—from desktops to mobile devices.

Frequently Asked Questions

What are Mobile Location Data Providers?

Mobile location data providers are companies that collect and sell data about the location of mobile devices. This data can be used for a variety of purposes, including targeted advertising, urban planning, and traffic analysis.

Are there specialist Mobile Location Data Providers?

Yes, some mobile location data providers specialize in certain industries or use cases. For example, there may be providers that focus specifically on retail analytics or transportation planning. By focusing on a specific niche, these providers can offer more tailored services that meet the unique needs of their customers.

Specialist mobile location data providers can be a great option for businesses that have specific needs or goals in mind. For example, if you are a retailer looking to improve your in-store sales, you may want to work with a provider that specializes in footfall analysis and can provide data on how customers move through your store. On the other hand, if you are a transportation planner looking to optimize public transit routes, you may want to work with a provider that specializes in traffic analysis and can provide real-time data on traffic patterns and congestion hotspots.

When evaluating specialist mobile location data providers, it is important to consider their expertise and experience in your specific industry or use case. Providers that have a deep understanding of your unique application of the data may be better positioned to provide you with the insights and recommendations that you need to succeed. Additionally, it is important to consider the quality of their data, as well as their pricing and customer support.

Overall, specialist mobile location data providers can offer valuable services that can help businesses to make more informed decisions and achieve their goals. By choosing a provider that specializes in your industry or use case, you can ensure that you are getting the most out of your mobile location data and maximizing the return on your investment.

How can Mobile Location Data Providers help me with targeted advertising?

Mobile location data providers can help you with your targeted advertising ambitions by providing you with data about the location of mobile devices. This data can be used to identify trends and patterns in user behavior, which can be used to create more targeted and effective advertising campaigns. For example, if you are a retailer, you can use this data to identify the locations where your target audience is most likely to be, and then create advertising campaigns that are specifically designed to reach those users. This can help you to increase the effectiveness of your advertising campaigns and improve your return on investment (ROI).

How can Mobile Location Data Providers support in urban planning?

Mobile location data providers can support urban planning by identifying patterns in population mobility and traffic flow. This can help urban planners to make more informed decisions about transportation infrastructure, zoning, and land use. For example, data about the most frequently visited locations in a city can be used to inform decisions about where to place new public transit stops, or to identify areas where new retail or commercial development may be needed. By leveraging mobile location data, urban planners can gain a more comprehensive understanding of how people move through a city and how they use different spaces, which can help to create more livable and sustainable communities.

Why is it important to work with a Mobile Location Data Provider when conducting traffic analysis?

Mobile location data providers can be valuable partners when conducting traffic analysis because they can provide real-time data about the location and movement of mobile devices. This data can be used to identify traffic patterns, congestion hotspots, and other key metrics that can inform transportation planning and infrastructure development. By leveraging mobile location data, transportation planners can gain a more comprehensive understanding of how people move through a city and how they use different modes of transportation, which can help to inform decisions about road design, public transit routes, and other transportation-related initiatives.

Some of the most popular Mobile Location Data Providers in 2023 include Onemata, Echo Analytics, SafeGraph, and Irys. We’ve created a simple breakdown of each provider’s company and data offering:

Provider name HQ Founded Rating on Datarade USP Core use case
Onemata Denver, CO 2017 5 stars 700M devices globally Advertising technology
Echo Analytics Paris, France 2021 5 stars Plug & Play normalized Footfall analysis
SafeGraph Denver, CO 2016 5 stars Human verified place polygons with rich metadata Campaign planning
Irys San Antonio, TX 2017 5 stars Real-time visibility and data analytics for urban stakeholders Audience segmentation

How can I compare Mobile Location Data Providers?

When comparing mobile location data providers, it is important to consider several factors that can impact the effectiveness of their services.


One of the most important factors to consider is the accuracy of their location data. The more accurate the data, the more valuable it will be for a wide range of use cases, such as targeted advertising, urban planning, and traffic analysis. Providers that can offer highly accurate location data will be better positioned to meet the needs of their customers and provide them with the insights they need to make informed decisions.

Volume of data

Another important factor to consider when comparing mobile location data providers is the volume of their data sets. Providers with larger data sets will typically have more data to work with, which can be valuable for identifying trends and patterns in user behavior. Additionally, providers with larger data sets may be better able to offer services at a more competitive price point, as they can spread the cost of data collection and processing over a larger number of users.

Data source types

The types of data that mobile location data providers collect can also be an important factor to consider. Some providers may focus on collecting data from mobile devices, while others may collect data from a wider range of sources, such as connected devices and Internet of Things (IoT) sensors. Providers that can offer a wider range of data types may be better positioned to meet the needs of their customers and provide them with a more comprehensive view of user behavior.


Price is another important factor to consider when comparing Mobile Location Data Providers. Providers may offer a range of pricing plans, depending on the size and complexity of their data sets, as well as the specific needs of their customers. It is important to evaluate pricing plans carefully to ensure that they are aligned with your budget and the value that you expect to receive from the provider.

Finally, it can be helpful to look at reviews and customer feedback to get an idea of the quality of a Mobile Location Data Provider’s services and customer support. Reviews and feedback can provide valuable insights into the strengths and weaknesses of a provider, as well as the level of support that they offer to their customers. By considering all of these factors, you can make an informed decision when choosing a Mobile Location Data Provider that meets your needs and delivers the insights you need to succeed.

What are the different pricing models offered by Mobile Location Data Providers?

When it comes to pricing, mobile location data providers may offer a variety of different pricing models, depending on their business model and the specific needs of their customers. Some providers may offer a subscription-based pricing model, where customers pay a recurring fee for access to a certain amount of data or a certain set of features. Other providers may offer a pay-as-you-go model, where customers only pay for the data that they use, without having to commit to a long-term contract.

In addition, some providers may offer custom pricing plans that are tailored to the needs of specific customers. These plans may include a combination of different pricing models, or may include additional features or services that are not available through standard plans.

When evaluating pricing plans, it is important to consider both the cost of the plan and the value that it provides. Providers with larger data sets or more advanced data processing capabilities may be able to offer more valuable insights to their customers, but may also charge a higher price for their services. Similarly, providers that offer more specialized or niche services may charge a premium for their expertise.

Ultimately, the key to selecting the right pricing plan is to carefully evaluate your own needs and goals, and to choose a plan that provides the right balance of cost and value. By doing so, you can ensure that you are getting the most out of your mobile location data provider and maximizing the return on your investment.